
Chairpersons and Volunteers

The DuFief ES PTA is made possible by the generosity of our many volunteers!  Would you be able to give up a little bit of time in order to support our community?

DuFief Elementary School PTA Officer and Committee Chair Position Descriptions 

DuFief Elementary School PTA Committee Chair Handbook

Volunteering in the school

Room parents: Help your child’s classroom celebrate! In this position, you will  help organize classroom celebrations, held on 10/31, 2/14, and one breakfast or luncheon for school staff.  As of September 16, room parents are still needed for the following classes:  Ryals, Karageorgis, Anderson, Eisenhower, Herzog, and Rudy.  These classes could use an additional room parent: Ellison, Eckenrode, Walfish, Russell, and Yates.